A very simple and straightforward radio builder for novice radio amateurs.
A properly assembled device starts working immediately after turning on the power.
There are a few things to keep in mind when doing this:
1. Do not wipe the board with alcohol with buttons installed. Install the buttons and speaker last - after flushing the board, or better use solder with no-clean flux and learn to solder beautifully right away. Rosin will not harm, and alcohol or acetone, if it gets into the buttons, can disrupt their trouble-free operation.
2. Check the pinout and correct installation of the resistor set - it is not symmetrical and the circuit will not work if installed incorrectly.
The diagram shows the connection of the run-keeping battery when there is no supply voltage in the mains.
The kit does not come with a connector and battery, but you can install them if you purchase them separately.