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PICkit 2 in-circuit programmer-debugger with USB 2.0 interface. The firmware of the programmer is also updated via the USB port, i.e. PICkit2 can update its own software without additional tools. The programmer has a compact size and is made in the form factor of a key fob.
NOT available.
Expected price:773,90UAH
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Prices are indicated at the time of product availability and may change upon receipt
PICkit 2 is a simple USB programmer for PIC microcontrollers, memory chips and KeeLOQ keys manufactured by Microchip Technology Inc. The PICkit 2 programmer runs under its own shell (PICkit 2 Programmer) or under the control of the free development environment MPLAB IDE. A distinctive feature of the PICkit2 programmer is its low price, as well as the availability of complete documentation, including the circuit and source codes of the firmware for the microcontroller, and the shell program for the computer.
The PICkit2 programmer allows you to in-circuit programming almost all Flash microcontrollers of Microchip. When new microcontrollers appear from the site www.microchip.com, you can download the software and firmware update for the PICkit2 programmer. There is also a utility for working with the PICkit 2 programmer from the command line available for download. The utility allows you to program all controllers that support the latest version of the GUI PICkit 2 shells, EEPROMs with a serial interface, KeeLOQ encoders. Using the start keys, the type of controller is selected, the supply voltage is set, commands are given to read, program and verify the Flash and EEPROM memory of the controller. The utility can be used to integrate the programmer into automated systems, third-party code editors. The utility was tested for compatibility with Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista operating systems. List Supported microcontrollers.
The PICkit2 programmer under the control of the MPLAB IDE can perform the functions of an in-circuit debugger, i.e. allows you to run a program, step by step execution of commands, set breakpoints of the microcontroller, as well as view and change the state of special-purpose registers and RAM of the debugged PIC microcontroller.
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UART Tool allows using PICKit2 to transfer data between the microcontroller being debugged and the computer via UART.
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Logic Tool allows you to simulate actions and monitor the state of signals the device being developed. 2 modes are supported:
"Logic I/O" - formation of the necessary logic levels and monitoring of the state of digital signal levels;
"Analyzer" - displaying the shape of up to three digital signals, with the possibility of generating reactions to an event (for example, on the rising edge of one signal, when the other is at a high logical level).
The PICKit 2 programmer can be used as a development, debugging, and USB learning tool. If you want to master the USB interface, then in the "standard" case you need to have a programmer and a board itself with an installed USB controller. If you have a PICkit-2 programmer, then you can do much easier! The heart of the PICkit 2 programmer is the Microchip PIC18F2550 USB controller. At the factory, the bootloader (bootloader) and the firmware of the programmer are flashed into the PICkit 2. A bootloader is required to be able to update the firmware of the programmer when new versions of PICkit2 are released. You can use this opportunity for your own purposes, namely for
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Learn the USB interface . In this case, all you need is PICkit 2.
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