Factory settings:
slave, baud rate: 9600, N, 8.1. Access code: 1234.
1. Test connection
Command: AT
Answer: OK
2. Change baud rates
Command: AT+BAUD2
Answer: OK2400
2 --------- 2400
3 --------- 4800
4 --------- 9600
5 --------- 19 200
6 --------- 38400
7 --------- 57600
8 --------- 115 200
9 --------- 230 400
Note: HC-09 at baud rate is different from HC-06, HC-09 is 2400 baud minimum and 230400 maximum
The baud rate is maintained after power off.
3. Change the Bluetooth name
Command: AT+NAMEname
Answer: OKname
AT+NAMEbill_gates Command
Answer: OKname
Name was changed to bill_gates
Read the Bluetooth title
Command: AT+NAME
Answer: NAME = name
Example: Command: AT+NAME
Answer: NAME = bill_gates \ R \ N
The name can be set to 32 characters or less.
4. Change Bluetooth passcode
Command: AT+PINxxxx
Answer: OKsetpin
AT command+PIN8888
Answer: OKsetpin
bluetooth code to 8888 when the module is factory default as passcode 1234.
Read Bluetooth passkey
Command: AT+PIN
Answer: PIN XXXX =
Example: Command AT+PIN
PIN Answer = 8888 \ R \ N
password length - 4 bytes