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Fast drying varnish based on polyvinyl butyral. For protection of printed circuit boards, electronic equipment. 100 ml bottle (repackaged from a 5 l canister).
Universal varnish based on polyvinyl butyral for protection of printed circuit boards, windings of transformers and electric motors.
Fast drying clear PVB coating with good insulating properties. Protects against corrosion of printed circuit boards and other elements operating in adverse atmospheric conditions.
The coating protects printed circuit boards from the formation of stray currents and short circuits.
Highly fluid, penetrates well into porous structures, fills microcracks.
forms a protective and insulating layer that protects against atmospheric influences such as: moisture, oxidation, dust, chemical pollution
adheres well to metal, plastic and wood surfaces
Forms a layer resistant to diluted acids, alkalis and atmospheric factors
Soldering through the varnish layer is possible
Prevents sparking and corona discharge
Limits flashovers between tracks
does not change transparency and elasticity even after a long period of application
application temperature range: from -40°C to +60°C
working temperature - 50°C+150°C
100 ml bottle (repackaged from a 5 l canister).
Recommendations for applying varnish:
Prior to application, the surface must be cleaned of dirt, grease and etc. Apply by brush, dip or spray gun. Spray is applied by spraying from a distance of approximately 30 cm, otherwise streaks may form on the surface.
To ensure uniform coverage, the varnish must be applied in 2-3 layers with an intermediate drying time of 20-30 minutes.
Reference: Polyvinyl butyral (or PVB) is a resin primarily used for applications requiring strong bonding, optical clarity, multi-surface adhesion, strength and flexibility. It is obtained from polyvinyl alcohol by reaction with butyric aldehyde. The main application is laminated safety glass for car windshields. Trade names for PVB films include KB PVB, Saflex, GlasNovations, Butacite, WINLITE, S-Lec, Trosifol and EVERLAM. PVB is also available as a 3D printer filament, which is stronger and more heat resistant than polylactic acid (PLA). PVB resins (provided by the manufacturer in powder or granular form) are also used in a variety of applications including technical ceramic (temporary) binders, inks, dye transfer paints,paints and coatings (including primers ), reflective sheet binders, and magnetic media binders. PVB resin is especially useful in bonding to metals, ceramics, and other inorganic materials. materialsWIKIPEDIA
Лак розливається із завоської фасування в каністрах по 5 літрів або 1 літр. Не вірите нам - будь ласка, Ви можете купити каністру в заводській упаковці або аерозольний балон і порівняти. Ми продаємо такий розфасований лак уже багато років, і ніхто нас не звинувачував у підробці.
Чому лак змивається спиртом – можете поставити питання безпосередньо виробнику. Офіційний сайт виробника у нас вказано в описі.
А ось і відповідь: "Опис: Полівінілбутираль (ПВБ) - порошкоподібний безбарвний полімер. Розчинний у спиртах, кетонах, ефірах. Як розріджувач можна використовувати ароматичні вуглеводні, складні ефіри. Повністю розчиняється в метиловому, етиловому, пропіловому, ізопропіловому, бутиловому, спиртах та ін."
На отримання цієї відповіді мені знадобилася рівно 1 хвилина. Ви витратили на звинувачення нас у підробці набагато більше часу. А могли б просто загуглити і не ганьбитися своєю безграмотністю.
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
If you need additional information, or you found an error in the description, or have other questions about this product, then our manager will help you: Ярослав