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CHIP NEWS Ukraine 2008 #ten

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CHIP NEWS Ukraine 2008 #ten

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News from the world of electronic components

Electromechanical components
Alexey Savchuk
Tyco Electronics AMP MATE-N-LOK Connector Series

MATE-N-LOK connectors are highly reliable, cost effective, conductor-conductor, conductor-to-board, conductor-to-panel connectors that are RoHS compliant. The connectors can be used in computers, household appliances, lighting equipment, industrial equipment, etc.
Electromechanical components
Dmitry Gamanyuk
Hyperboloidal Contact Technology in Engineering

Electrical connectors with a hyperboloid wire basket contact design offer a number of advantages over other connectors, especially in harsh environments. The design of such connectors is based on socket contacts made of stretched elastic wires, which are made of a special alloy. When joining the contact pair, the wires of the socket, while maintaining their stress state, are evenly pressed against the pin along its generatrix.
Passive components
Yuri Koval
Vishay interference suppression film capacitors

Leveraging the latest advances in film technology, Vishay offers a wide range of film noise suppression capacitors for a variety of mains (50/60 Hz) power line applications.
Anatoly Shamraev
Architecture and programming fundamentals of DSP family C28x from Texas Instruments. TMS320F2812 processor interrupt system

The article is devoted to the study of the structure, principles of operation and configuration features of the DSP core timers of the C28x family; the work describes the functions from the sprc097 package for setting the operating modes of the timers and the PIE module; examples of initializing the PIE module, redefining interrupt vectors and using a zero timer to generate time delays are considered.
Alexander Stratienko
Signal path from National Semiconductor. An integrated approach to the development of systems with analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion

The article describes the principles of choosing components for building the analog part of signal processing systems based on the approach proposed by National Semiconductor. The technical characteristics of the components of such systems are also given.
Vladimir Sviridenko
GLONASS and consumer equipment: today and tomorrow

The provision of navigation data and various navigation services to a civilian consumer enriches his life, facilitates the solution of many life issues, contributes to the development of an individual, an organization and the country as a whole. That is why the commercial use of the GLONASS system is an important technological breakthrough for Russia, in which high technologies and innovations play a very important role.
Masaki Yamashita
New Daishinku Quartz Oscillators for Mobile Communication and GPS Navigation

When developing new temperature-compensated quartz oscillators, an urgent task is to reduce the size of the cases while maintaining high stability in a wide temperature range. Miniature crystal oscillators in a standard IC package are widely used in portable mobile phones and GPS navigation devices.
Artem Kozlov
Pulse antennas are an important part of wireless communications

The reputable company Pulse is better known as a major global manufacturer of inductive components. In 2005-2006 The company included the popular manufacturers of antennas for mobile devices - LK Products and Radiall/Larsen, which formed a separate division within the company. Pulse is constantly developing this direction and today is among the leaders in the design and manufacture of antennas for all kinds of communication standards, operating at frequencies from 27 MHz to 9 GHz.
Alexander Samarin
Attractive simplicity of SimpliciTI

This article describes the SimpliciTI protocol developed by Texas Instruments as a simple alternative to ZigBee for implementing small wireless networks with fewer than 256 subscribers. The protocol is primarily targeted at networks with a limited number of battery-powered nodes. The main requirements for developing a protocol are simplicity, minimum component cost, and minimum power consumption. SimpliciTI has been designed as a system base to facilitate the implementation of TI off-the-shelf RF modules on the MSP430 microcontroller family platform and CC1XXX/CC25XX Chipcon transceivers, as well as on the CC2510/CC2511 ICC platform. The implementation of the SimpliciTI protocol requires minimal microcontroller resources, so the system has a lower cost compared to systems using the ZigBee protocol.
Valery Zotov
Practical course of end-to-end design of digital devices based on FPGAs from Xilinx. Part 18

The eighteenth part of the course continues to acquaint with the parameters of reports on the execution of the procedure for the analysis of temporal characteristics, which is carried out after mapping the logical description of the project to the physical resources of the FPGA and after placing and routing the designed device in the chip, and the parameters of the complete temporal model of the device being developed. The implementation of the process of implementing the device under development in FPGA with FPGA architecture is considered. The necessary information on the structure and content of the reports generated at this stage is provided.
Sergey Zavodskov, Alexander Rutkevich, Maria Sinelnikova, Vladimir Steshenko
FPGA and VLSI in DSP systems: function integration, hardware platforms and associated design

Ten years ago, works [1, 2] were published, in which the trends in the implementation of various classes of digital filtering algorithms on the existing element base were considered. In these works, it is shown that, taking into account the specifics of production and application, in a significant majority of cases, the optimal implementation of the calculator in the form of a "processor - FPGA" link. This approach allows you to significantly increase the flexibility of hardware due to the possibility of upgrading the software of the processor and FPGAs and the rapid reallocation of resources between them. It should be noted that the direction laid down in these works turned out to be in demand, but at the same time, hardware developers need answers to extremely important questions: how to allocate resources between the FPGA and the processor, which architectures to use and, most importantly, how to organize the process of the associated software and hardware design?
Hans Happ
LonWorks technology: sparing electricity by creating a net

“Twenty rocks that I fell asleep with the Echelon company. The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwith downtime: we would be able to increase the change in prominence, as if we could use microscopic computers to wake up microscopic computers with the help of keeping an eye on the middle ground and exchanging information - A. Mike Markkula, Echelon's CEO and Apple's spokesperson, at the conference promos for the 20th Echelon Company Newsletter May 14, 2008 r. “We have identified our own lights, more intelligent equipment, factories, donkeys, electric fences, our technologies for the efficiency of robots, lowering prices, improving the quality, productivity and efficiency. For the realization of these ideas, we will need a creative spirit and innovative technology, the protest has turned over my ochikuvannya. For the current year, add information to the hedge for our additional technology in all light of the introduction of piece-specific intelligence to the infrastructure and progress in Bagatyokh Kaluzyakh. "
Power electronics

New EPOS2 50/5 electric drive controller

Maxon motor (Switzerland) has launched a new generation of digital controllers EPOS2 50/5, which is a continuation of the proprietary line of control units and provides designers and developers with new opportunities for solving practical problems.
Operational amplifiers
Vladimir Matavkin
Operational amplifier with current feedback

The article discusses the parameters and characteristics of operational amplifiers with current feedback, which are widely used as broadband and high-speed amplifiers. The study of the parameters of these amplifiers is carried out in comparison with operational amplifiers with voltage feedback.
Operational amplifiers
Translated by E. Troshkova
Three op amps are too many for an instrumentation amplifier

Three op amp instrumentation amplifiers have long been the industry standard for precision applications that require high gains and/or high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR). However, these amplifiers have serious limitations when operating with a single supply voltage, which is required for many modern applications. This article discusses the limitations of the traditional three-op amp architecture for instrumentation amplifiers, and introduces another Maxim's patented indirect currentfeedback architecture [1] that provides specific advantages for instrumentation amplifiers operating with unipolar power supply. Detailed analysis is supported by experimental timing diagrams.
Lev Chemakin
Research and evaluation of the characteristics of various protective diodes

The problem of protecting electronic equipment from electrostatic discharges using special diodes limiting the maximum voltage on the protected circuit is considered. The results of tests of various protective diodes of three leading manufacturers are presented. Recommendations for the use of protective diodes are given.
Information display
Stanislav Groznov, Alexander Leichenko, Evgeny Sheshin, Alexander Shchuka
Flat display screens based on field emission cathodes

Flat display screens based on field emission cathodes use the phenomenon of field emission - electron tunneling through a potential barrier at the boundary of a body in the presence of an external electric field. This technology looks very promising for creating a perfect flat panel display that combines the advantages of cathode-ray and liquid crystal displays and does not have their disadvantages. Although the development of such displays has been going on for a long time, there are still no models suitable for serious commercial use. The main reason for this is a number of technical and technological problems that arise during development. In particular, a search is underway for good field emission materials and the development of designs for such cathodes. The article introduces the world developments in the field of flat display screens based on field emission cathodes, including those proposed by the authors of this article.

"CHIP NEWS UKRAINE" -2008 (content of the magazine for 2008)



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