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Whole catalog Development toolsDebuggers and programmersAtmel AVR
Product code:

ATSTK600 (Development Kit)

Development kit from ATMEL company
ATSTK600 (Development Kit)
Manufacturer: Atmel Corporation (ATMEL)

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from 1 pc : 9 754,00 UAH

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Basic parameters of the kit or board
Parameter Value
Base component manufacturer Atmel
Core AVR
Bit depth 8/32
Board peripherals
  • RS-232 driver
  • USB
  • CAN module
  • ISP
  • custom buttons
  • custom LEDs

ATSTK600 is a multifunctional development tool from Atmel. Integrates AVR microcontroller prototyping hardware platform and debugging tools.

Together with the integrated programming environment AVR Studio 4/AVR32 Studio provides debugging in simulation and circuit emulation modes, as well as programming via parallel and serial interfaces. It can also be used as an ISP programmer for external devices based on AVR microcontrollers. To connect expansion boards, all ports of the microcontroller are routed to connectors.

Switching of a wide range of AVR microcontrollers in various cases is carried out using plug-in cards of two types, which can be stacked on a shelf on the main board. Plug-in cards define a group of microcircuits with similar pin functions, and plug-in cards with a socket allow you to work with a microcontroller in a specific case.

Distinctive features:

  • compatibility with the software environment AVR Studio 4/AVR32 Studio;
  • USB interface for programming and control;
  • power supply from USB interface or external source: 9 ... 15V DC;
  • programming: serial ISP, high voltage parallel and serial;
  • all lines of microcontroller ports are available on expansion slots for connecting additional modules;
  • buttons: RESET and PROGRAMMING;
  • driver and RS-232 port connector (MAX3380);
  • driver and CAN port connector (ATA6660);
  • pin header and LIN bus transceiver (ATA6661);
  • flash-memory 2Mbit for data storage;
  • LED indicators: POWER and STATUS;
  • the user is provided with eight buttons and eight LEDs;
  • connector for connecting an external quartz resonator;
  • built-in voltage stabilizers.

¦ Debug board ATSTK600 ¦

Main settings



Connection interface

serial, USB

The core of the base component


Bit depth


Base component


Helper component

ATA6660, ATA6661,

Target voltage, V


Supply voltage, V


Power supply



  1. ATSTK600 board;
  2. mezzanine module with ATmega2560 microcontroller;
  3. USB port, power and interconnect cables;
  4. CD with AVR Studio software environment and documentation.

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