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Magnetically controlled sealed closing contacts of increased power (reed switches) MKA-52202 are intended for switching active and inductive electrical circuits in devices of wide application:
in normal switching mode with currents from 1 mA to 4 A, voltage from 6 to 220 V DC and from 6 to 380 V AC, frequency 50 Hz, power up to 400 V A;
in the mode of rare switching with currents up to 34, 65 A, voltages up to 660 V AC, frequency 50 Hz, power up to 3328 VA, currents up to 8.8 A and voltages up to 330 V DC, power up to 232 W.
Reed switches are used as switching elements in automation and control equipment and are suitable for operation in harsh environmental conditions (increased dustiness, aggressiveness of the environment), as well as in cases where an increased resource and reliability are required.
Symbol structure
MKA-52 202X:
MK - magnetically operated sealed contact;
A - closing, execution according to the nature of the commutation;
52 - cylinder length, mm;
20 - increased power;
2 - long-term permissible current (4 A);
X - sensitivity group (A, B).
The climatic version of the reed switches is the same, intended for operation in conditions standardized for version U, location category 3, version B, location category 4 in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
Operating conditions:
Height above sea level no more than 2000 m.
Ambient air temperature from minus 60 to 100°С.
Reduced atmospheric pressure 53328 Pa (400 mm Hg).
Increased air pressure 294199 Pa (3 kgf/cm2).
Relative air humidity up to 98% at 35°С.
The environment is non-explosive, does not contain conductive dust in concentrations that reduce the parameters of reed switches.
Reed switches are resistant to damage by mold fungi.
Operating conditions for mechanical stress correspond to groups M4, M7, M8 in accordance with GOST 17516-90.
When exposed to vibration in the frequency range from 1 to 100 Hz with an acceleration of 1 g, when exposed to repeated shocks with an acceleration of 3 g.
Any working position in space.
Reed switches MKA-52201 are manufactured for the needs of the national economy and for export supplies and meet the technical specifications TU11-85.ODO.360.025 TU. TU 11-85 ODO.360.025 TU
Additional specifications:
Return coefficient, not less - 0.3
Response time, ms, no more - 8.0
Release time, ms, no more - 7.0
Reed switch resistance, Ohm, no more - 0.2
Insulation resistance, Ohm, not less - 0.75 108
Electric strength of insulation, V/mm, not less - 800
Weight, g, no more - 3.5
Total length with contacts: 80mm.
Flask length: 50mm.
Flask diameter: 6.83 mm.
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В описании написано геркон... замыкающий. Исходное состояние - контакты разомкнуты. А изображен геркон с переключающими контктами (3 контакта). Какой на самом деле этот геркон (ошибка в описании или в изображении)?
Геркон имеет один сквозной контакт с двух сторон и один контакт замыкающий на него. Выведен этот сквозной контакт для удобства подключения в зависимости от расположения датчика. Смотрите фото на просвет ниже:
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