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For charging all types of 12-volt lead-acid batteries from 7 to 200 Ah. Digital control. Doesn't boil the battery. Eat accelerated charging mode, desulfation.
The BOT-12 charger is designed to charge all types of 12-volt lead-acid batteries:
starter (with liquid electrolyte),
gel (GEL)
The charger also desulfates batteries with liquid electrolyte, including calcium batteries. Modern lead-acid batteries with added calcium, despite improved current characteristics, tend to increase plate sulfation during deep discharge.
The ZVU has small dimensions, weight and price, while meeting the needs of owners of 12-volt lead-acid batteries of almost all types and capacities. Thanks to these qualities, this device compares favorably with domestic and foreign analogues.
BOT-12 was produced by a Ukrainian manufacturer MASTER WATT from imported components. The manufacturer provides warranty and post-warranty repairs of its products.
All operating modes are controlled by a microcontroller and automatically adapt to each specific battery. Each mode includes self-diagnosis of the device, programs for recognizing short-circuited cells and overheating of the battery, and determining an incorrect connection.
You can charge the battery directly on the car, without turning it off (in the "SUMMER/GEL" mode). This charging mode is relevant primarily for some modern car models, in which disconnecting the battery then requires adjustment using dealer diagnostic equipment at authorized service stations.
Attention! desulfation of the battery plates is carried out in the "STARTER DESULFATION" mode only on starter batteries that are disconnected and removed from the vehicle!
The device is a truncated version of the professional Master Watt ZVU ROBOT-25, only the most necessary functions are left. Adaptive charging algorithms have been retained.
By reducing additional functions, the price of the device has been significantly reduced.
This lightweight modification is designed primarily for use in personal use, as well as in small automobile enterprises and organizations, service stations.
ZVU BOT-12 operates fully automatically and does not require special knowledge and experience of the battery operator.
Functions of the Master Watt ZVU BOT-12 device:
device self-diagnosis
charge the battery automatically
desulfation of battery plates
charge equalization in all cells
quick preparation of the battery for use after long-term storage
protection against incorrect connection
supply voltage:160 - 245 V
supply frequency: 50 - 60 Hz
maximum power consumption:190 W
maximum charge current:12.5 A
nominal capacity of the charged battery: 7 - 200 Ah
maximum charge voltage in “summer/GEL” mode14.4 V
maximum charge voltage in winter/AGM mode14.9 V
maximum charge voltage in “desulfation starter” mode 16.2 V
operating ambient temperature: -20°C to +35°C
protection: from short circuit, from polarity reversal, from overheating, from increased supply voltage
overall dimensions of ZVU: 190x95x65mm (LxWxH)
weight: 0.5 kg
Complete parts:
charger with power cable and battery connection cables - 1 pc.
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Вы нам писали (Вопросы, которые пришли нам на email)18:18 04.12.2017share
У меня несколько вопросов по MW Бот-12:
- длина кабеля питания и кабеля для подключения АКБ;
шнур питания и кабеля для подключения к АКБ имеют длину 1 метр
- максимальные токи зарядки для положений переключателя "Ємність" - 7-24, 25-69 и 70-200 соответственно;
для 7-24 - максимальный зарядный ток 1,5А
для 25-69 - максимальный зарядный ток 6,5А
для 70-200 - максимальный зарядный ток 12,5А
- возможность использования ЗУ в качестве блока питания 12В;
Нет, это устройство нельзя использовать в режиме "блок питания 12В" Оно слишком "умное", будет пытаться тестировать нагрузку как аккумулятор, выдаст ошибку и прекратит работу. Для этого можно использовать устройство попроще, например
Зарядное устройство MW 0,2-5A 12В [3-х режимное]
- возможность заводки двигателя автомобиля при подключенном к АКБ зарядном устройстве;
Да, оставлять подключенным в момент запуска двигателя для помощи аккумулятору можно, причем в любом режиме.
- при каком минимальном напряжении разряженной АКБ зарядное устройство "увидит" батарею и начнет процесс зарядки.
Практически с нуля. Ну или округлим до одного вольта. Другое дело. как отреагирует батарея на попытку заряда. Если никаких признаков улучшения состояния АКБ устройство не обнаружит, то прекратит попытки заряда.
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
If you need additional information, or you found an error in the description, or have other questions about this product, then our manager will help you: Ярослав