Web Speech API is not supported by this browser. Install Google Chrome.
Voice input also works in Safari, Yandex, as well as mobile browsers Huawei, Opera and Samsung..
The principle of operation of this touch button is based on the electrical capacity of the human body. The module is triggered for switching by touching the touch sensor with a finger. At rest - the output of the module is a low voltage level, when the sensor is touched, a high voltage level appears. After 12 seconds of inactivity, the module goes into a low power mode.
Very low current consumption together with the reduced consumption mode allows the module to be used in self-powered systems.
The module can be mounted on plastic, glass or any other non-metallic surfaces. The sensitivity of the sensor allows it to be mounted behind thin surfaces, which is very convenient for using it as hidden buttons. The sensor responds confidently at a distance of up to 4 mm.
The module has 3 contacts:
I/O (SIG) (digital signal output)
VCC (supply voltage)
GND (common contact)
The module is powered from an Arduino controller, another microprocessor control device, or from an external power source (power supply, battery). Module supply voltage 2.5 - 5.5 V.
There are jumpers on the board (A, B), with which you can change the logic of the button operation:
AB = 00: non-latching button, when triggered, the output level is high
AB = 01: latching button, high output level when turned on
AB = 10: non-latching button, low output when triggered
AB = 11: latching button, output low when turned on
У платы есть один существенный минус: если вам при срабатывании сенсора нужен низкий уровень, то запаиваем перемычку "A". Но светодиод "сидит" на той же дорожке, что и "out". если мы запаиваем перемычку "A", то светодиод светится постоянно, и гаснет при срабатывании сенсора. Пришлось "развернуть" светодиод, перерезать плюсовую дорожку к сопротивлению и кинуть перемычку на GND. Если светодиод не нужен - просто выпаиваем его.
Режим "триггера" - не проверял. Моя схема работает в паре с Attiny13, в качестве выключателя и регулятора яркости настольного аккумуляторного светильника.
Потребление схемы в режиме ожидания 14мкА.
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
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