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↠ Active ingredients
↠ Microcircuits
↠ FPGA microcontrollers
Chip PIC16F676-I/SL Microcontroller, 8-bit, 14 Pin, 1.75 KB Std Flash, 64 RAM, 128 EEPROM, 12 I/O, Timers 1 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit, ADC, Comparators - 1
from 1 pc :
from 57 pcs :
( -7,5%)
from 228 pcs :
( -15,0%)
279 pcs
For Online Orders
279 pcs
Main parameters.
Program Memory Type
Program Memory (KB)
CPU Speed (MIPS)
RAM Bytes
Data EEPROM (bytes)
1 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit
8 ch, 10-bit
Temperature Range (C)
-40 to 125
Operating Voltage Range (V)
2 to 5.5
Pin Count
128 bytes of EEPROM Data Memory
programmable pull-up resistors
individually selectable analog channels
ICD2 programming support or debugging support with optional header adapter
8 oscillator sellections including precision 4 MHz RC oscillator with programmable calibration and Power-on Reset
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
If you need additional information, or you found an error in the description, or have other questions about this product, then our manager will help you: Евгений ЗП
Провод монтажный UL10064 36AWG (7*0.05) изоляция FEP желтый
Product code: 043548
2,92 2,15 UAH
Remains: 398 m
Скотч армированный, 50мм*25м, KT-0982
Product code: 039756
115,00 99,00 UAH
Remains: 36 pcs
Струбцина-автомат 150*60 мм, HT-6020
Product code: 033195
179,00 170,00 UAH
Remains: 13 pcs
Зарядное USB 5V, 1A, 1xUSB A CQ12-050100
Product code: 049448
85,98 68,79 UAH
Remains: 171 pcs
Гнездо "банан" J50002B черное
Product code: 046623
7,31 6,88 UAH
Remains: 4534 pcs
Гнездо "банан" J50002R красное
Product code: 046622
7,31 6,88 UAH
Remains: 4516 pcs
Зарядное USB 5V, 2A, 1xUSB A CQ12-050200
Product code: 026393
120,40 94,58 UAH
Remains: 80 pcs
Удлинитель-фильтр EH-NFG-5.3 3м черный
Product code: 050268
232,60 213,20 UAH
Remains: 19 pcs
Молоток с стекловолоконой ручкой DELIXI DWJC-2205, 400гр
Product code: 050106
494,40 431,20 UAH
Remains: 4 pcs
Молоток с стекловолоконой ручкой DELIXI DWJC-2204, 300гр
Product code: 050105
447,10 398,10 UAH
Remains: 5 pcs
Тепловизор цветной ручной, MESTEK TI120
Product code: 045425
20 980,00 17 627,00 UAH
Remains: 3 pcs
Колпачок для предохранителя 6x30 Blue Transparent PVC Cover
Product code: 042249
1,93 1,72 UAH
Remains: 1940 pcs
Набор для фиксации диска от УШМ на вал двигателя 6.35мм
Product code: 051714
132,80 113,90 UAH
Remains: 50 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Черная
Product code: 044744
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1765 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Фиолетовая
Product code: 044743
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1906 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Синяя
Product code: 044742
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1814 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Зеленая
Product code: 044741
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1909 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Оранжевая
Product code: 044740
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1867 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Красная
Product code: 044739
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1851 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Серая
Product code: 044738
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1883 pcs
Ручка на ось 6мм Звезда 15x15мм CZ3-AB102 Алюминиевая Серебристая
Product code: 044737
15,05 12,90 UAH
Remains: 1926 pcs
Лента предупреждающая черно-желтая самоклеящаяся 0,13ммх48ммх33м
Product code: 050305
172,00 113,90 UAH
Remains: 97 pcs
Лента предупреждающая красно-белая самоклеящаяся 0,13ммх48ммх33м
Product code: 050304
172,00 111,80 UAH
Remains: 99 pcs
Лента предупреждающая черно-желтая самоклеящаяся 0,19ммх48ммх33м
Product code: 050303
133,30 85,98 UAH
Remains: 97 pcs
Штекер прикуривателя авто Daier c выключателем, LED-индикация
Product code: 049339
51,59 40,20 UAH
Remains: 85 pcs
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Chip L7805CV-DG
Product code: 003689
7,82 UAH
Remains: 4332 pcs
Chip DS18B20+
Product code: 000151
53,74 50,73 UAH
Remains: 397 pcs
Chip PIC16F676-I/P
Product code: 018107
70,94 UAH
Remains: 223 pcs
Chip PIC16F628A-I/SO
Product code: 011827
107,50 UAH
Remains: 33 pcs
SMD resistor 1K 1206 5%
Product code: 002136
0,107 UAH
Remains: 45200 pcs
Chip L7812CV-DG
Product code: 003628
8,60 UAH
Remains: 3000 pcs
Quartz resonator 20MHz HC49/S box
Product code: 002917
4,73 UAH
Remains: 88 pcs
SMD resistor 10K 0805 5%
Product code: 002190
0,0645 UAH
Remains: 117000 pcs
Transistor BC847C
Product code: 003374
1,12 0,86 UAH
Remains: 2430 pcs
Chip PIC16F628A-I/P
Product code: 011826
133,30 UAH
Remains: 32 pcs
SMD resistor 10K 1206 5%
Product code: 002186
0,107 UAH
Remains: 44760 pcs
Product code: 012234
118,20 UAH
Remains: 488 pcs
Trimmer resistor 10K 3296W
Product code: 001623
4,73 UAH
Remains: 4142 pcs
SMD resistor 1K 0805 5%
Product code: 002140
0,0645 UAH
Remains: 127500 pcs
SMD resistor 470R 0805 5%
Product code: 002450
0,0645 UAH
Remains: 68700 pcs
Capacitor 0805 100nF 50V X7R (CL21B104KBCNNNC)
Product code: 001894
0,301 UAH
Remains: 20 pcs
SMD resistor 0.0R 1206 5% (Jumper)
Product code: 002132
0,107 UAH
Remains: 63500 pcs
Chip L78L05ACZ
Product code: 004994
4,30 3,01 UAH
Remains: 240 pcs
Board to Board Connector PLS40-G
Product code: 000631
5,16 UAH
Remains: 13724 pcs
SMD resistor 100R 0805 5%
Product code: 002205
0,0645 UAH
Remains: 162300 pcs
Optocoupler MOC3063
Product code: 003463
10,75 UAH
Remains: 1958 pcs
Chip PIC12F629-I/SN
Product code: 011825
107,50 UAH
Remains: 325 pcs
Chip PIC12F675-I/P
Product code: 011807
107,50 UAH
Remains: 99 pcs
Chip LM317T-DG
Product code: 008797
11,82 UAH
Remains: 4387 pcs
Trimmer resistor 5K 3296W
Product code: 001389
4,73 UAH
Remains: 2796 pcs