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Web Speech API is not supported by this browser. Install Google Chrome.
Voice input also works in Safari, Yandex, as well as mobile browsers Huawei, Opera and Samsung..
The counter will help you count anything - even the trees in the forest orcrowin the sky! ;-)
Using the device is very simple - you need to attach it to your index finger so that it was convenient to press the large button with your thumb.
When you press the button (large), one unit is displayed on the board.
The next press adds one to the available reading.
When you press the reset button (small), the values on the display are reset to zero.
The small RESET button is protected from accidental pressing, it is recessed into the meter body.
So, one click - one item or one event.
To save battery life, when there is a pause of more than 10 minutes, the display will turn off, but when the button is pressed for the first time, it will display the previous value and continue counting.
The maximum counting reading is 99999.
Miniature disc battery: LR41 (AG3) - 1 piece, included, installed in the device. Batteries of this type are also used in wristwatches; it will not be difficult to find a replacement.
Attention! body color is different, in assortment. Color matching is not available!
Если вывести из него два провода - можно считать что угодно через "сухой контакт" - геркон, например, а если вывести три провода - то вообще как угодно (с помощью транзистора). "Кнопка счёта" замыкается на плюс. Нужно было считать импульсы "низкого уровня", собирать ардуину было лень, посадил этот датчик через транзюк - и вуаля, временное решение готово за пять минут.
Кстати, "считает" довольно быстро - около 1000 импульсов в минуту - точно успевает, при этом есть защита от "залипания" - если нажать кнопку и держать, то считает только один импульс.
The data presented in the product description are for reference only and may differ from those indicated by the manufacturer.
To carry out technical calculations and obtain the exact parameters of the goods, use the datasheets from the manufacturer's website.
If you need additional information, or you found an error in the description, or have other questions about this product, then our manager will help you: Ярослав